2023-2024 SES Impact Report - Final Version


Sense of Purpose A sense of purpose is developed by exploring unique strengths and personal values. When students connect their strengths and values with their academic goals, they are able to make meaningful choices about their educational and career pathways. Well-being The overall state of being healthy, happy, and prosperous. It's defined through eight key dimensions: career, environmental, financial, intellectual, mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. When students maintain a healthy level of well-being across these areas, they can better manage stress and anxiety while enhancing their resilience and leadership abilities. Belonging & Engagement Belonging and engagement is important to fostering student success. It means feeling supported socially and connected to others on campus. Our goal is to make sure every student feels connected, valued, and empowered. FOUR PILLARS OF STUDENT SUCCESS Academic Achievement Academic achievement is what happens when students work hard and succeed in their studies. At UNG no matter what degree they’re pursuing, students receive support throughout their academic journey. University of North Georgia DIVISION OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT & SUCCESS

BELONGING & ENGAGMENT Residence Life Multicultural Student Affairs Student Involvement Fraternity & Sorority Life Leadership & Community Engagement First Gen Mentoring Program First Gen Initiatives Family Engagement DEPARTMENTAL ALIGNMENT DEAN OF STUDENTS Dean of Students Care & Outreach Office of Student Integrity University of North Georgia DIVISION OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT & SUCCESS WELL-BEING Campus Recreation & Wellness Live Well UNG Student Accessibility Services Student Counseling Student Health Services SENSE OF PURPOSE Career Services Testing Center Student Orientation Transfer Students Veterans & Adult Learners Student Success


Residence Life Belonging & Engagement RESIDENCE LIFE INCIDENT REPORTS RA’s (Resident Assistants) handled 574 Incidents 574 484 1,110 CALLS On-Call RD’s (Resident Directors) managed 1,110 calls PROGRAMMING 484 RA programs, 144 of which were Live Well UNG events 2,094 Non-cadet residents on the Dahlonega Campus 67 Resident Assistants (RA’s) 2023-2024 Impact Report

444 Women 169 Men 19 RA’s 428 Freshmen 185 Upper-level Students 9 RA’s 251 Freshmen 13 Upper-level Students 175 Women 89 Men 117 Women 68 Men 6 RA’s 174 Freshmen 11 Upper-level Students 158 Women 188 Men 11 RA’s 106 Freshmen 240 Upper-level Students 155 Women 51 Men 7 RA’s 86 Freshmen 120 Upper-level Students 88 Women 63 Men 3 RA’s 137 Freshmen 14 Upper-level Students NORTH GEORGIA SUITES Residence Life Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report 594 Residents 8 RA’s 51 Freshmen 240 Upper-level Students 210 Women 81 Men OWEN HALL 283 Residents DONOVAN HALL 255 Residents THE COMMONS 1 179 Residents THE COMMONS 2 335 Residents LEWIS HALL 199 Residents PATRIOT HALL 148 Residents 4 RA’s 12 Freshmen 93 Upper-level Students 26 Women 79 Men LEWIS ANNEX 101 Residents

Asian Student Association (DAH & GVL) Black Student Union (DAH & GVL) Gender and Sexuality Alliance (DAH) International Student Association (GVL) Latino Student Association (DAH & GVL) Spectrum (CMG, GVL, & OCN) 77 Department Events 1,798 Attendees 50 Student Leaders 3.14 Average GPA African American Male Initiative 21 Participants & 7 Graduates 3.0 Overall GPA Latinx Graduation Celebration 40 Graduates Spring 2024 (195 Graduates Total Since Program Began) MULTICULTURAL STUDENT AFFAIRS 1,798 Multicultural Student Affairs Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report 50 21 40

University-Wide Active Student Organizations Student Organization Events & Meetings UniversityWide Student Events Average GPA of Students in Executive Leadership Roles 220 3,440 1000+ 3.34 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Student Involvement Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

42.3% 19% 14% Salaries 7% Contingency 5% Leadership Programs 4% Grants 3.8% STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE ALLOCATIONS $1.57 MILLION Graduate Student Senate 1% (e.g. Career Services, Academic Advising, Supplemental Instruction) Inclusion Efforts 3% Academic Programs 1% Campus Recreation & Wellbeing Student Engagement & Registered Student Organizations Student Services Student Involvement Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

Raised $295,076 for Philanthropies 6 Panhellenic Chapters (Sororities) 7 NIC Chapters (Fraternities) 1 Independent Chapter 2 Emerging Chapters (Fraternities) 52 Service Events 22,403 Service Hours 718 16 Chapters 295K 64% GPA is 3.26 (Higher than the undergraduate GPA, 3.18) Retention rate: 64.75% (5.29% higher than the undergraduate retention rate, 59.46%) 22K 3.26 FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE 718 Fraternity/Sorority students (10.2% of Dahlonega Campus student population) Fraternity & Sorority Life Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

756 Local community partners served Total community service hours LEADERSHIP & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 425 Total number of volunteers 12 9/11 National Day of Service 354 MLK, Jr. Day of Service 30 UNG Day of Service 27 Alternative Service Break Trip 7 Participants Service Saturdays 7 Participants Participants Participants Participants Leadership & Community Engagement Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

Mentorship 95 pairs of active First Gen mentors and mentees in the program across GVL and DAH campuses Programming Expanded Mentoring Program to Dahlonega Campus in Fall 2023 GPA Average GPA of First Gen mentees is a half point higher than their First Gen peers Persistence 80% of Gen 1 mentees on track to graduate in 4 years or less Credit Hours Average credit hour production of 11.8 FIRST GEN MENTORING PROGRAM First Gen Mentoring Program Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

FIRST GEN INITIATIVES Events Hosted 13 social events on Gainesville and Dahlonega campuses Hosted 4 induction ceremonies for the Tri-Alpha First Gen Honor Society Over 200 members inducted Proud to Be First Awarded 26 Scholarships across all 5 campuses during the 2023 Proud To Be First Week during National First Generation College Celebration Week Alpha Alpha Alpha Increased number of First Gen Scholarships awarded by 80% since the fund’s inception in 2020 Scholarships First Gen Initiatives Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

UNG FAMILY NETWORK Over 1.7M communications sent through the Network with a 67% open rate Communication Users Engagement FERPA Engagement increased 42% over the past year New FERPA implementation allows students to grant access to their information (Over 680 access requests have been processed since the program launched in March 2024) MILLION 1.7 25K 680 Over 25,000 active family users 42% Family Engagement Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report

Percent of Students Retained 0 20 40 60 80 100 Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Quarterly Never Frequency of Newsletter UNG Family Network Newsletter Positive correlation between newsletters and student retention. Students with families receiving newsletters on a weekly basis from UNG’s Family Network were retained at a 21.2% higher rate compared to students with families on a monthly or quarterly basis. Family Engagement Belonging & Engagement 2023-2024 Impact Report


Sport Clubs Intramurals Sport Teams Social Media Programming Facilities Participants from 16 sport clubs across 3 campuses Participations (1,396 unique) represented by 398 teams, in 762 games, across 20 sports offered on 3 campuses Students who participated in Rowing, Cheer, and E-Sports competitive teams Accounts reached, with 619 gained followers during the 23-24 academic year Number of face-toface student interactions through programming Number of visits to CRW facilities including two recreation centers and two game rooms CAMPUS RECREATION & WELLNESS 248 3,308 96 53,000 10,323 185,958 Campus Recreation & Wellness Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report

LIVE WELL UNG Live Well Events Faculty, Staff, and Students Trained in Mental Health First Aid Faculty, Staff, & Student QPR Completions New Mental Health First Aid Instructors 1,276 100 500 8 The Eight Dimensions of Wellness Live Well UNG Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report

7.5% 71% Over 1300 students are registered with SAS New embosser that allows Braille materials to be produced on site STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES Percent of UNG Students Registered with SAS SAS Registered Student Retention Rate Student Accessibility Services Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report

ADHD PSYCHOLOGICAL LEARNING DISABILITIES CHRONIC HEALTH DISORDERS AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER *Students may report more than one disability TOP DISABILITIES SERVED 35% 31% 23% 21% 10% Student Accessibility Services Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report



STUDENT COUNSELING 78% retention rate for re-enrolled students and those that obtained their degrees in FY24 3,800 HOURS Conducted 3,800 hours of direct clinical care for 886 unique UNG students 620 HOURS 24 therapy groups amounting to 620 hours of therapy 78% 17,134 387 outreach programs reaching 17,134 students 2.83 DAYS Average intake wait time weighted across all campuses was 2.83 days Student Counseling Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report

8,562 Student Immunization Records Processed 4,482 Provider Visits 2,364 Nursing Visits 262 F.R.O.G.s In-processed 168 Students Immunized Against Other Diseases 538 Flu Vaccines Administered 92 1,395 1,040 Laboratory Tests Conducted Student Visits to Self-Care TB tests Administered STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Student Health Services Well-being 2023-2024 Impact Report


CAREER SERVICES Opened Nigel's Career Closets in DAH and GVL. Provided over 350 items of professional clothing to 181 students 350 89% of participants felt the event was helpful to their job/internship/information search UNG UNITE (Alumni Connection Platform) 1,356 alumni, students, staff, and faculty users 1,356 Debuted new Senior Career Signing Day events in DAH and GVL with a total of 76 student participants 76 HANDSHAKE (Career Assistance Platform) ALL MAJORS FAIRS 13,216 student applications for jobs/internships were submitted through Handshake, more than double the previous year 13,216 2,365 new employers registered in the system Messages from employers to students increased by 226% HANDSHAKE (Career Assistance Platform) 2,365 89% Career Services Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Employers Participating Students Attending 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 New Focus 2 Users Workshops, Career Chats, & Presentations 14% Increase “Met a lot of companies I never heard of before.” “I feel like I will reach out to career services more often for career opportunities.” “It was very informative.” Career Fairs 111 1,871 25% Increase 14% Increase Student Appointments Career Services Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

TESTING CENTER UNG ADMINISTERS 27 DIFFERENT CLEP TESTS College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) TESTING HIGH SCHOOL CLEP TEST PILOT PROGRAM Top CLEP Tests at UNG Spanish Language Levels 1 & 2 College Algebra Biology Principles of Marketing American Government Precalculus Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 691 CLEP Tests Administered Through the Modern States Program, UNG offered free CLEP testing to 219 high school students, resulting in a 21% pass rate. Those who passed earned 3 credit hours for College Algebra. A total savings of $26,931! 691 26,931 Testing Center Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

TESTING CENTER The Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) is Georgia's state-approved educator certification assessment program. Professional Certification Exams GACE (GEORGIA ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF EDUCATORS) 1,582 Tests Administered PEARSON VUE 1,358 Tests Administered Pearson Vue delivers certification and licensure exams for leading organizations in virtually every industry around the world. Prometric is a leading provider of technologyenabled testing assessment solutions to many of the world’s most recognized licensing and certification organizations, academic institutions, and government agencies. PROMETRIC TESTING 3,541 Tests Administered NCTA CERTIFIED Dahlonega and Gainesville are both NCTA Certified Testing Centers. (Open to UNG Students and Community Members) 1,582 3,541 1,358 Testing Center Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

STUDENT ORIENTATION SUMMER & FALL 2023 4,748 1,165 26 96% (New & Transfer Students) Student Orientation Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

“That students get to physically go onto a computer and learn to navigate banner. Instead of just hearing about where to find information, we got to look it up and access it ourselves with the guidance of the orientation leaders.” – In response to the Tech Talk Session “I really liked how the Connecting on Campus session used an escape room activity to present the information because I got to connect with other students while learning about connecting with other students!” “I wanted to give a shout out to all of the orientation leaders! All of them were very welcoming, engaging, and informative! I mainly wanted to highlight my OL’s Kathy and Liv! Both of them were extra sweet and very informative! Both of them made my orientation experience fun and comfortable!” “Great experience. I was very nervous to go through orientation, but I was able to make friends and learn about being a successful college student.” 97% of students attending orientation strongly agreed or agreed that Orientation had a warm and inviting atmosphere that made them feel welcome. STUDENT ORIENTATION Student Orientation Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

TRANSFER STUDENTS Enrolled Transfer Students 524 Transfer student retention rate: 80.1% from fall 2022 to fall 2023 Retention of transfer students increased by 2.28% over the last year Average UNG GPA of transfer students 80% 2.28% 3.06 Transfer Students Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

Blue Ridge Cumming Dahlonega Gainesville Oconee Online 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Blue Ridge Cumming Dahlonega Gainesville Oconee Online 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Fall 2023 Spring 2024 Adult Learners Veterans & Adult Learners Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report Veterans Adult Leaners Total Enrollment Veterans Total Enrollment Fall 2023: 2792 Spring 2024: 2908 Fall 2023: 522 Spring 2024: 496

2024-2025 recipient of the Victory Media Military Friendly gold level distinction award for large public institutions Average GPA of student Veterans Student Veterans graduated in 2023 72% 348 3.15 Retention Rate (4.2% higher than overall average retention) Awarded Best for Vets 2023 STUDENT VETERAN PROGRAMS Veterans & Adult Learners Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report

Oconee Gainesville Dahlonega 73 869 785 Average GPA for adult learners; 48.4% Retention Rate Adult learners graduated in 2023 1,215 2,685 3.11 Use of the Adult Learner and Transfer Lounge & the Veteran Resource Lounge increased ADULT LEARNER PROGRAMS The Adult Learner Program’s goal is to ensure that all adult learners are aware of the university resources available to them and prepare them for the post-graduate world. (Data on UNG’s Adult learners are students enrolled who are 23 years and older) Graduates who continued their education post-graduation at UNG Veterans & Adult Learners Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report Adult Learner and Transfer Lounge Check-ins

STUDENT SUCCESS PROGRAMS Holds Resolution Challenge 337 students resolved their registration holds between March 19 & March 31 337 8,200 Registration Incentive Communications Campaign Nigel’s Registration Challenge Over 8,200 current students registered for classes between March 21 & April 12 Academic Alerts Out of the 603 alerts in the fall, 416 returned in the Spring (69%) 1,193 ALERTS Student Success Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report


DEAN OF STUDENTS Number of UNIQUE students who interacted with the Dean of Students Total number of cases managed by DoS 87.7% of the 4727 students enrolled for a future term 4727 9590 87% Dean of Students Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report

DEAN OF STUDENTS Student Support B.I.T. (Behavioral Intervention Team) 171 BIT cases 81.2% of students who received support from the BIT Team enrolled for a future term 1,120 Student Support cases, 21.7% increase Top 3 concerns: Mental Health, Academic, Physical Health 1,120 75% 171 85% B.I.T. (Behavioral Intervention Team) 85.2% of students earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the semester receiving BIT support 64.8% of students earned a 3.0 or higher GPA in the semester receiving BIT support Dean of Students Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report B.I.T. (Behavioral Intervention Team) 75% of BIT cases were for threat to self Top 3 concerns: Suicidal Ideation, Mental Health, Substance Abuse

DEAN OF STUDENTS Hardship Withdrawals 497 hardship withdrawal requests with 386 cases approved (78%) 78.12% of students with an approved hardship withdrawal earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher Hardship Withdrawals Average GPA 2.52 for those with approved hardship withdrawals 81.67% of students with an approved hardship withdrawal enrolled for a future term Public Forums 88 uses of designated public forum spaces (95% religious) 88 497 81% Dean of Students Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report Excused Absences 6,544 excused absence requests (a 39.7% increase), 82% of requests were approved Top 2 concerns: Physical health and co-curricular activities 6,544

OFFICE OF STUDENT INTEGRITY UNG Ethical Awareness Course 4 students undertook the UNG Ethical Awareness Course Continued Education 295 students had opportunities to reflect and further their education at UNG Community Service Students contributed 276 hours of valuable service to the community Supporting students' academic journey and personal growth Promoting Student Success Risk-Reduction Course 27 students completed the BASICS Alcohol Risk-Reduction Course Academic Integrity 124 students gained insights on the importance of academic integrity Ethical Awareness 18 students completed papers on developing ethical perspectives 27 124 18 4 295 276 Office of Student Integrity Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT RESIDENCE HALL REGULATIONS 259 75 45 38 34 ALCOHOL THEFT CODE OF CONDUCT CORPS OF CADETS REGULATIONS TOP 5 CHARGES Office of Student Integrity Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report Academic Misconduct cases increased by 43%

Office of Student Integrity Dean of Students 2023-2024 Impact Report 111 (63%) out of 177 plagiarism cases were related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) OFFICE OF STUDENT INTEGRITY

GO.UNG.EDU/SES SESDIVISION@UNG.EDU If you need this report in an additional format, please email lindsay.bailey@ung.edu.