2023-2024 SES Impact Report - Final Version

CAREER SERVICES Opened Nigel's Career Closets in DAH and GVL. Provided over 350 items of professional clothing to 181 students 350 89% of participants felt the event was helpful to their job/internship/information search UNG UNITE (Alumni Connection Platform) 1,356 alumni, students, staff, and faculty users 1,356 Debuted new Senior Career Signing Day events in DAH and GVL with a total of 76 student participants 76 HANDSHAKE (Career Assistance Platform) ALL MAJORS FAIRS 13,216 student applications for jobs/internships were submitted through Handshake, more than double the previous year 13,216 2,365 new employers registered in the system Messages from employers to students increased by 226% HANDSHAKE (Career Assistance Platform) 2,365 89% Career Services Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report