2023-2024 SES Impact Report - Final Version

“That students get to physically go onto a computer and learn to navigate banner. Instead of just hearing about where to find information, we got to look it up and access it ourselves with the guidance of the orientation leaders.” – In response to the Tech Talk Session “I really liked how the Connecting on Campus session used an escape room activity to present the information because I got to connect with other students while learning about connecting with other students!” “I wanted to give a shout out to all of the orientation leaders! All of them were very welcoming, engaging, and informative! I mainly wanted to highlight my OL’s Kathy and Liv! Both of them were extra sweet and very informative! Both of them made my orientation experience fun and comfortable!” “Great experience. I was very nervous to go through orientation, but I was able to make friends and learn about being a successful college student.” 97% of students attending orientation strongly agreed or agreed that Orientation had a warm and inviting atmosphere that made them feel welcome. STUDENT ORIENTATION Student Orientation Sense of Purpose 2023-2024 Impact Report